Sunday, September 29, 2013

Health Benefits of Garlic

Garlic has been used all over the world for thousands of years. One of the most important benefits of garlic is the prevention and treatment of heart disease. Regular use of garlic can lower your total blood cholesterol number and it can lower your LDL cholesterol as well. Garlic will also lower blood pressure and triglycerides and can reduce the build-up of plaque in your arteries. Since garlic will thin the blood you should consult a physician before beginning a garlic regimen if you are currently taking aspirin or other blood thinners.

Garlic produces a chemical called allicin. This is what seems to make garlic work for certain conditions. Allicin also makes garlic smell. Some products are made “odorless” by aging the garlic, but this process can also make the garlic less effective. It’s a good idea to look for supplements that are coated (enteric coating) so they will dissolve in the intestine and not in the stomach.

Garlic is well known as a natural health remedy that has long been used to treat various ailments. It is extremely easy to source in most countries and can be consumed cooked or fresh. It is most easily included in your food or can be eaten on its own. You don’t need to limit yourself to fresh garlic either. Garlic powder or dried garlic flakes are just as effective and super easy to keep in the cupboard for everyday use.

Garlic is known for its distinct taste and smell whenever it's cooked and added to various dishes. Because of its distinct taste and aroma, it is a commonly used spice that is mixed with other herbs like ginger and onions in preparing various dishes. Depending on the flavor desired, the method of cooking it could either be mellow or intense. In Northern European cuisine for example, garlic is used in little amounts and is cooked for a long time to diminish its taste. Try and cook some roasted garlic for extra health benefits.

Health benefits of Garlic

Cancer prevention
Daily intake of garlic has been found to lower risk of most types of cancer. This anti-cancer property is due to allyl sulphides found in garlic. PhIP, a type of heterocyclic amine (HCA), has been associated with increased incidence of breast cancer among women. According to studies, diallyl sulphide found in garlic inhibits the transformation of PhIP into carcinogens.

Remedy for respiratory problems
Daily use of garlic might reduce the frequency and number of colds. Its antibacterial properties help in treating throat irritations. Garlic may also reduce the severity of upper respiratory tract infections. Its benefits in disorders of the lungs like asthma, difficulty of breathing, etc. make it a priceless medicine.  Its ability to promote expectoration makes it irreplaceable in chronic bronchitis.

Protect heart
Garlic protects our heart against cardiovascular problems like heart attacks and atherosclerosis. This cardio-protective property can be attributed to various factors. With age, the arteries tend to lose their ability to stretch. Garlic may help reduce this and may also protect the heart from the damaging effects of free oxygen radicals. The sulphur-containing compounds of garlic also prevent our blood vessels from becoming blocked and slow the development of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). The anti-clotting properties of ajoene help prevent clots from forming inside the blood vessels.

Natural Antibiotic
The active compound of sulfur known as allicin is known for its antibiotic properties. This chemical is produced when garlic is either chopped or chewed. Allicin not only kills the germs but also inhibits their development in the body. In fact, 1mg of allicin has potency equal to 15 standard units of penicillin.
Prevents and treats colds
Packed with antioxidants, your immune system could benefit if you give it a constant boast of powerful garlic in daily recipes. If a cold does sneak by, try sipping garlic tea, steep chopped or minced garlic in hot water for several minutes, then strain and drink. You can add a bit of honey

Control your weight.
squeeze half lemon juice in one glass of luke warm water and drink it with two cloves of raw garlic regularly twice a day (morning and evening), for about three months. Avoid using starchy foods and fats. Do exercise regularly.

Treat athlete's foot 
With its anti-fungal properties garlic could be a good way to get rid of itchy athlete's foot. Soak your feet in a bath of warm water and crushed garlic. 

Simply put some crushed garlic clove directly on the affected tooth can help relieve toothaches due to its antibacterial and analgesic properties. But be aware that it can be irritating to the gum.

Insect Bites
just crush the garlic and apply it to the affected area to reduce pain and to remove poison.

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